Dr. Pendleton is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor currently practicing in Arizona. She provides primary care services to patients of all ages, with a focus in Chronic Fatigue, Gastrointestinal conditions, Thyroid and Hormone balancing, Skin conditions, ADHD, and Mold.
By combining her training as a Naturopathic Doctor and Acupuncturist, and utilizing a variety of standard and specialty labs, Dr. Pendleton is able to create an individualized plan that addresses the underlying cause of your symptoms. Incorporating different therapies such as botanical medicine, acupuncture, IV therapy, and nutrition and lifestyle changes, she is able to find the best approach for each patient’s needs.
She has additional training in Medical Aesthetics and Joint Regeneration treatments and uses various techniques such as Microneedling, Platelet Rich Plasma, and Topical Serums to help her patients look and feel their best on the inside and out.